ColegauCymru 2024: A Year in Review


As we approach the end of 2024, ColegauCymru reflects on a busy year of collaboration, learning, and advocacy in the further education and apprenticeships sector. Here, our Chief Executive, Dave Hagendyk, shares some highlights from the year. 

International Insights A delegation of FE leaders visited Finland to learn from its vocational education reforms, focusing on personalised learning and workforce adaptability. The independently commissioned report Strategies for Moving Freely - The Finnish Approach to Vocational Education and Training reiterated our call on Welsh Government to develop a bespoke VET Strategy for Wales. 

Inclusive Sporting Events Throughout the year our FE Multi-Sport and Ability Counts events celebrated learner participation across Wales, fostering teamwork, good mental health, and inclusion through physical activity, further embedding the ColegauCymru Active Wellbeing Strategy across the sector. 

Demonstrating the social value of further education in Wales ColegauCymru continues to champion the social impact of FE colleges. This year we celebrated the launch of our Welsh Government funded research Demonstrating the Social Value of Further Education Colleges in Wales which sets out the contribution of the sector to the Future Generations Act seven wellbeing goals. Social value is at the heart of everything we do. 

Active wellbeing staff visit to Slovenia Meanwhile, a Taith funded staff visit to Slovenia in May highlighted the nation’s emphasis on active wellbeing and mental health through structured physical activity programs, and the learnings that could be implemented across the FE sector in Wales. 

Engaging with New Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers The Summer and early Autumn saw the appointment of a new First Minister and her top team. We’ve built strong relationships with Vikki Howells MS and Jack Sargeant MS in their new ministerial roles, along with other key Senedd members across all parties. These engagements will help to ensure that FE remains central to policy discussions and funding priorities. 

ColegauCymru Annual Conference October saw us host our Annual Conference and Dinner. The event brought together sector leaders to explore priorities for the next decade and discuss key themes, including the future of skills and education policy. The event emphasised the sector's pivotal role in shaping Wales' economic and social landscape. 

ALN and ILS Annual Conferences We held successful annual conferences for both Additional Learning Needs and Independent Living Skills. The events brought together ALN and ILS practitioners, and other stakeholders, to focus on college learnings as they continue to implement the ALNET Act. There were also opportunities to share best practice and look ahead. 

Health and Social Care Committee Engagement In November, we hosted a visit from the Senedd Health and Social Care Committee at Cardiff and Vale College. The visit allowed committee members to gain a better understanding of the role active wellbeing plays in FE and the longer-term benefits of supporting the health and wellbeing of FE learners in Wales.   

Apprenticeship Challenges Together with the National Training Federation for Wales (ColegauCymru published new data which highlights the far-reaching economic and social consequences of apprenticeship funding cuts in Wales. The independently commissioned report The Impact of Apprenticeship Funding Cuts highlighted that a strong apprenticeships programme is critical for Wales’ economic recovery, equipping individuals and businesses with the skills they need for success. Apprenticeships are fundamental to building a stronger, greener and fairer Wales and we continue to call for sustained investment in this space. 

FE Workload Review Project We held a series of successful events bringing together FE leaders and practitioners and joint trade union representatives to seek shared solutions to address workload challenges and to enhance staff wellbeing. 

The College Alliance Study Visit A collaborative study visit to Coleg y Cymoedd showcased best practices in supporting learners with diverse needs, emphasising inclusivity and innovation in curriculum delivery. The visit brought together colleagues from colleges and governments from across England, the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales to share challenges and learning.  

Season’s Greetings from ColegauCymru  

These are just a glimpse of the great work being carried out on behalf of the sector. As we conclude another busy and productive year at ColegauCymru, we extend our heartfelt thanks to our colleagues and stakeholders for their continued support and partnership.  

We wish you an enjoyable Christmas break and a happy and healthy new year, and look forward to continuing to work with you in 2025. 

Dave Hagendyk and the ColegauCymru Team. 

Further Information 

Lucy Hopkins, Communications Manager

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